Likhoebo tsa Yongnian fastener li khethiloe e le likhoebo tse nyane le tse mahareng tse "ikgethehileng le tse ncha" tsa provense "tse ikhethileng le tse ncha tse ikhethileng".

Haufinyane tjena, Lefapha la Indasteri le Theknoloji ea Tlhahisoleseding la profensing le phatlalalitse sehlopha sa botšelela sa likhoebo tse nyane le tse mahareng tse "ikgethehileng tse ikgethileng" le sehlopha sa boraro sa lenane la dikgwebo tse kgethehileng tse kgethehileng tsa provense.In YongNian standard institute, ka thuso ea YongNian power fastener manufacturing co., LTD., hebei handan city trillion luck heineken's hardware industrial co., LTD., hebei railway engineering group with Ming hao high-speed Railway equipment manufacturer co., LTD. ., hebei China intellectual machinery manufacturer co., LTD., hebei dongrun fasteners co., LTD., handan city YongNian area chin woo fastener industrial co., LTD., a river Beizhongjiu Energy Technology Co., Ltd. le likhoebo tse ling tse fastening ba khethiloe ka katleho sehlopheng sa botšelela sa lenane la sechaba la "Specialized and Special New" Smes Profinseng ea Hebei, 'me Hebei Tuofa Communication Electric Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. e khethiloe ka katleho sehlopheng sa boraro sa likhoebo tsa lipontšo tsa "Specialized and Special New" Profinseng ea Hebei. lenane la sechaba.


Phatlalatso ea lenane la sehlopha sa botšelela sa li-smes tsa "tse khethehileng le tse khethehileng" tsa provense le sehlopha sa boraro sa likhoebo tse ncha tsa "tse khethehileng le tse khethehileng".


Ho khothaletsa le ho tataisa likhoebo tse nyane le tse mahareng tsa profinse ho ea ka boits'oaro, ntlafatso, sebopeho, nts'etsopele ea boqapi, ho potlakisa nts'etsopele ea boleng bo holimo, ho latela boits'oaro bo ikhethang, likhoebo tse nyane le tse mahareng tse "ncha" profinseng ea Hebei tataiso ea mosebetsi " (lekala la ji la mangolo a manyane le a mahareng [2021] no. 116) litlhokahalo, ts'ebeliso ea khoebo e behiloeng polokelong, khothaletso ea likhothaletso tsa masepala, tlhahlobo ea profinse le mekhoa ea tlhahlobo ea tumello le lipontšo, joalo ka ha likhoebo tse 596 tse reriloeng ke tsa botšelela. sehlopha sa "smes tse khethehileng le tse ncha" Profinseng ea Hebei, le likhoebo tse 188 ke sehlopha sa boraro sa likhoebo tsa lipontšo tsa "tse khethehileng le tse ncha" Profinseng ea Hebei.Nako ea phatlalatso ke matsatsi a 5 a mosebetsi.Haeba u na le khanyetso, ka kopo fana ka maikutlo a hau ka lebitso la 'nete le ka mokhoa o ngotsoeng nakong ea phatlalatso.

Nako ea poso: Nov-24-2021